Levee Profile Mapping

What is the purpose of the mapping?

To provide information relating to the Lower Murray levee banks at Full Supply Level. This information may be used by the public and emergency personnel to assist in identifying areas that are potentially at risk of inundation at this level.

What information will the mapping provide?

The maps (32 in total plus individual levee crest profile), span the length of river from Wellington to Mannum in South Australia. The mapping and crest profiles, when utilised together, enable the user to identify particular areas of interest. Levee banks are represented by a dark red line in the mapping. The chainage (distance marked along the crest of each levee bank) is unique to each levee bank, and corresponds to the chainage within the crest profiles.

What are the limitations of the mapping?

The elevation data contained in the mapping and crest profiles is based on an aerial survey data captured in May 2010. Significant repairs have been undertaken on the Mypolonga and Neeta levees since the time, which may not be adequately represented in the mapping and crest profiles.

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